Fat transfer to breasts
The terminology fat transfer is synonymous with lipo-modeling, lipo-filling and lipo-structure. This procedure has become more popular over the last few years and as the techniques become more sophisticated and advanced so has the popularity. It is used widely in the face, breasts, and other areas of the body for the purpose of replacing tissue loss which may result following surgery, trauma or aging.
Lipofilling as a technique can be utilised in the treatment of contour defects and volume loss in numerous anatomical body areas. It has been applied in filling facial volume loss for many years, in breast reconstruction, to soften contour defects, and to improve loss of volume following trauma. Lipofilling to enlarge breasts has become more available in the United Kingdom over the last 3-4 years.
Lipofilling to enlarge breasts, and improve tissue defects is normally performed in stages, on average 2-3. In the irradiated breast following cancer surgery it is more likely that the treatment to reach the desired outcome may warrant 4-6 episodes. However in face contour filling where the retention of the fat is more sustainable a single episode may be suffice.
As a sole method for breast enlargement the procedure is likely, in some patients, to warrant the use of an external expansion device to create more space in order to fit a larger volume of fat fill, thus reducing the number of lipofilling episodes. The external expansion will commence 3-4 weeks pre-operatively and may in some cases, continue post-operatively. However not all patients wish to utilise the external expansion device.
Often lipofilling is used as an adjunctive treatment with other methods including breast enlargement, thus adding a more natural look in the more slender patient, whilst removing fatty deposits from undesired areas at the same time; hence improving contour to the donor sites.
Lipofilling can be performed in the irradiated breast following breast cancer surgery to improve lumpectomy defects and also following breast reconstruction to further add to the outcome of the reconstructed breast, in addition to improving any possible contour irregularities following prophylactic nipple sparing mastectomies.
I have further utilised lipofilling techniques in the improvement of contour defects following traumatic tissue loss, and traumatic fat loss as a result of accidents and injuries causing indentations in buttocks, limbs and following the excision of large areas of skin grafts. The results have been gratifying both to me and more importantly to my patients.
Lipofilling is a very effective and longer lasting treatment for facial contour defects and volume loss to soften facial contour and improve the aging tired looking face and its skin. The advantage of this technique is it replaces the volume with more natural material that is readily available and longer lasting that mirrors the patient body contour changes.
Fat filling to the lips is an effective natural substitute to that of dermal fillers and is likely to last longer with a more supple feel and vibrant visual effect to the achieved volume.
It is not unusual that the scars and the skin in the treated area with lipo-fill will show improvement and healthier quality which further adds to the outcome of surgery and increases satisfaction.
The surgery is carried out at an accredited hospital under a general anaesthetic; the hospital stay is 1 night. The dressing and the dissolvable stitches are removed after 10-12 days and the anticipated recovery in most patients is 3-4 weeks.
Pain requirements vary between individuals; however most patients find the pain is limited and can be well controlled with appropriate pain killer tablets over the first few days after surgery. The liposuction donor site will warrant wearing a liposuction garment for a period of 4-6 weeks.
For further information regarding the surgery, options, the benefits, potential risks and complications, kindly make an appointment to these discuss further.